Welcome to the Writing with Coach McCoach Podcast. I'm your host, Katie McCoach, book coach, confidant, and cheerleader. Since 2012, I've helped hundreds of writers become authors, gain confidence, and grow their best stories yet. Together, we'll untangle the vines of chaos and uncertainty surrounding how to be a writer so you can grow into the author you are meant to be. Let's dig in, writer.
You know what's really fucking hard? Owning your genius. It's a practice that you just keep working at, but it is hard.
So let me back up, and then I will give you some tips on how I've been working through this, and I'm going to continue to do it, and I want to see you do the same. Because as I've been beginning to own my own power, my genius, my uniqueness, my perspective, I am able to start to be like, oh, okay, I can see how this really works, but it's really hard to maintain. It's really hard to stick with.
I think that it is absolutely what will make you an amazing writer, and I want everyone to feel the feelings I have in these not necessarily consistent moments, but they're not fleeting either. They're there, it's happening more and more, and it's been a lot of work getting here.
So quick backup, quick story. I have been struggling with self-doubt, and I've talked about it in this podcast in a few episodes, but I really, honestly, I got to a point where I was looking up how do you believe in yourself again. I lost faith in myself. I lost faith in my power, my genius, and I focused on the failures and the things that were not showing as me tapping into who I am at the core, and I focused on the times where some of the negative things and traits or something were kind of showing up, and they were showing up really big. It became a bit of a spiral.
The great thing is I reached out for help. I did what I could to reach out for help. I had therapy. I reached out to friends. I surrendered myself by people who saw something in me and knew what I was capable of and kept encouraging me, and I was doing the same for them, although maybe they weren't struggling the same way or at the same time, but because we can see what others have, the potential they have, what I've seen in my authors time and time again, the times where I've seen my authors ready to give up and I've been like, please don't.
I know what you're capable of, but I cannot control that decision for you. I just don't want to see you do it because I want you to keep going. I want you to prove to yourself that you have what it takes, and so I surrounded myself with people who were able to do that for me, and then I also reached out, hired a business coach.
It wasn't like the perfect fit, but it was a great start, and then it moved me into the next phase. Okay, well, I think I need the perfect fit, right? I need the coach who I know is going to take me where I need to go, and I got the coach that I have now, and she's fabulous. So that's my slight tangent, my slight offshoot of saying, if you feel like you need help, don't wait until it's really fucking late, where I kind of feel like I don't think I could have waited any later. It was like I was on two levels, I either believed I had to be good enough for a coach, or I had to be fucked up enough for a coach, right? I don't want you to go into that place.
So I want you to be like, it'd be cool to hire a coach. That's when you should hire a coach. When you think, I'm going to get something out of this, that's when you do it. Don't feel like you have to be a certain level, don't feel like you have to be good enough, quote unquote, and also don't feel like you have to get to a point where you're so lost that that's your only option. I want you to lean into, you could just skip the bullshit phase and just keep moving forward. Anyway, let's get back on topic.
So it's just been a very interesting time in my life where just everything sort of hit at once. And I think there are, I could go into all the reasons for it, but that is probably a book that I might write someday, right? The book I think I want to write, but at this time, let's focus on moving forward.
So I was in this place and I literally just, I just lost all the belief in myself. And there, it was very interesting to look and see it because I didn't really have reasoning for it, but I had convinced myself that I just, this is where I was going to be. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Am I meant to be doing this?
Thank God there was this deep, deep, deep, deep inside of me piece of thing. Just like, don't do it. Don't give up right yet. Like I know you want to, I know that things are not looking good. I know things are not going to get better right away, but don't do it yet. You have something, just keep pushing, just keep working through it.
I have to give insane huge kudos to my husband. He won't even like, he doesn't listen to this, so he won't even know, but he struggled while I struggled because I was struggling so hard and it was doing things that were harder on our family to be honest. But thank fucking God he did because I, I needed time. I still, let's be real, I'm still in a place of needing a little more time, but I'm in a place now where I actually, I see that, that ability has happened to my, my, my genius, my power, my core, like this is me. This is what makes me so fucking awesome.
Right? Like I don't care who else thinks it. I know that I have my own thing that makes me uniquely fucking awesome, just as you do. We all do. We all have this, this in us. If we are just owning ourselves, we are just so fucking amazing. We get to exist. I mean, life is hard. It is going to always be hard. It's going to have its ups and downs, but we get to exist. And I saw something the other day that helped me, uh, was a really great reframe. And it was like, I, this person posted a, a me, a reel that was like, I am, I just like to imagine that, um, I was so excited to, to live a life on earth. And this is me getting my one chance at humanity that I couldn't wait to live.
Like I've been a being in the universe, just desperate for this, this experience. And it made me think of, uh, if you've ever watched the good place, Michael, the, the guy in charge of the good place, he is someone who works in the, you know, that universe, right? He's, he is a not, he's not a human, right? And he has no idea what it's like to be human, but he's like obsessed with humans and all he ever wants is like the chance to be human. Like that would be his greatest thing is to experience humanity. I love the idea of thinking I'm currently embodying a soul that was so desperate for humanity for that experience.
And when I reframe like that, I mean, it doesn't always work great, but a lot of times it can be like, damn, it's fucking cool. Right? Like I get experience all this, the hard stuff is really rough sometimes.
I mean, uh, I guess content warning mentioned my cat, um, who we had to put down. Yeah. So I just went today, I just went and I, I picked up her ashes. Um, and you know, sometimes I'm like, it's just an animal, like it's been a couple of weeks and you know, I don't think about her all the time. Right. Like she's, but she's also there in my head and I, I just mostly I'm happy. But it's sad too. And when you deal with that, at the same time, I feel very honored that I get to, I get that, right. That I get experienced that, that I got to have her in my life and that I get to feel the pain of losing her because it just, it just means that I get to feel all the really good shit too. Cause if I can feel this, then all the really amazing stuff I get to feel too.
So anyway, back to our unique power. So there are a lot of things that I have worked through and tools I've done and just different ways I've tried to move out of self doubt and into a place of self acceptance and a phrase I'm stealing from my friend who said this was one of her words for the year. And I think it's just, I'm just starting to take it as mine too because I love it. It's radical self acceptance.
And I love the power behind using radical part of it because it truly is a radical shift and a radical way of living if you are fully accepting of yourself, of all of you, of all of your failures and faults, anything that you feel like I should have fixed that because we'll all tell you that phrase should has been in my life for a long time. And it also means that you accept all of your amazing shit too. That is something that I've moved away from hating myself on my flaws, on the things that I can't, that I could change. And I'm working on making changes where needed or things that I can't.
And I'm like, Hey, you know what? That's fucking okay. We have these other methods or ways of working with that. You don't have to change the core of who you are. And in my case, I don't have to change my brain because my brain is part of who I am. It's just how do I work with it? How do I allow it to thrive when it needs to? And how do I curb things that are potentially maybe making things harder? And I've spent a lot of time forgiving myself for what's gotten me to a point of self-doubt, what's gotten me to feel the feelings of failure, what I can't do better, what I struggle with.
And so I've been in a place of full forgiveness, full not, no more judgment. There's no more judgment towards that. There's no more judgment when I see myself in decision paralysis. I mean, there's a little, let's be real. There are times where I want to get out of it. I'm like, Oh, I wish this wasn't my thing that I deal with. But I've gotten better at when it happens. I witnessed it. I say, I talk to myself about it. I'm comforting myself and saying, it's okay. Let's see what's happening here.
If you are in some deep decision paralysis, or I heard someone say this about ADHD recently online, they call it a sit pit. They go, they have all these things they're going to do, or they're so excited and they go to sit down for a minute. They can't get back up. Mine is not necessary. I don't actually, I can't sit because I'm so afraid of sitting down and stopping my productivity. But what happens is then I will pace or I will stand in one place or I will enter a trick trance, which is when I pull my hair and I can't, I'm like in a trance. Like it's literally like an hour will go by. And I'm like, what? I was in my head the whole time talking to myself about all the things I want to be doing, but I was not physically moving forward in that way. And I couldn't break. There was no snapping out of it. It was even if I was in my head and I was pulling my hair, I could be telling myself in my head, stop doing this. Why are you pulling your hair? You know, you're doing it right now, Katie, stop. And it would just continue.
So now instead of being judgmental, I do enter more of a space of like, Hey, what's happening right now? When I noticed that I'm pulling, because sometimes I happen without, it happens without me noticing. And I asked myself, what's happening right now? What is the discomfort in your body? Why are you struggling? What can we do to help you through it? So it's literally like what I would do if I saw my son or my husband or friend in that moment and I lead with compassion. I start with compassion towards myself and I say, how, what do you need? What is in your way? And how can I help? How do we help you step away from this moment of struggle because something is wrapped up right now, you are wrapped up in something. It's okay that you're feeling discomfort. Let's work through it together. Let's feel it.
That's been a huge thing too. So I'll say then the next thing, I know it's not been very clear cut as I've gone through this, but the second thing that I have experienced has been in, in helping me with this has been feeling, feelings. This has been one of the most ironic things in my brain, realizing that I have spent a long time dissociating and I'm like, what are you talking about? All I do is feel I am a cancer. We are a little more emotional creatures. I'm a, so I'm a water sign. I'm very emotional. I'm an enogram four, which is another emotional one. I'm an introvert. I forget what I am on that. The Myers-Briggs very much a feeler. And also as I've learned with ADHD, we tend to have the high on emotions, maybe a little overly emotional, quote unquote.
So I've literally, I've just, and I've had depression, anxiety. I have been emotional my whole life. Like as a teenager, I feel like sometimes I'm like, damn girl, you went through the ringer. So I think I just had so many emotions and I wrote a lot, right? And I, that's part of what has led me to loving writing is because I wrote all the time in high school. I would write poems even though I don't know a thing about poetry. I think I know what high Q is. That's about it. Like I'm not a poetry person. I don't really read it, but that was where, how I would work through stuff. When I was younger, I have hundreds, hundreds of poems. I've always been a feeler and I've journaled and stuff. And over the past maybe five to eight years, I think I have moved away from being a feeler. I've been overwhelmed so much by my feelings that I've been trying to dissociate from them.
They are so big, they're so present and they sometimes get in my way. Right? And as a business owner, I have been operating KM Editorial since 2012.I was 22 or 23 years old when I started. I didn't know what I was doing when I started this. And as it became more and more of my life, as I quit a part-time job and became, I started doing it full time. So much of me was wrapped up in it, right? Like to the extent like I needed if I met someone new, they asked what I did and then after that they were like, well, what do you do for fun? And I was like, I just told you. What are you talking about? This is my life. This is all I do. I don't do anything else.
And so I was so emotionally wrapped up in my business too and in my success. In the success that I believe that I was going to feel with the business and what I thought it was going to fulfill. That's its own other topic for another day.
So I took years before I learned that trichotillomania was a thing. I had it. I only started it after I had been in business for a couple of years. And then I learned that it was actually a thing. It wasn't just me doing this weird thing. I heard the word and I was like, wait, what? And then if only, so that was maybe eight years ago. And then in the past two years was when I read it's a form of dissociating. And I was like, what? I just, can you tell I've had so many like, what the fuck? Like, wait, what? I've had a lot of those moments in my life. And so the moment I read that it was dissociation, I was like, um, okay, but what do I do? How do I like, what does that mean? And also, what do you mean? I'm trying not to feel.
That's literally all I'm in my head so much. I am wrapped up so much in what I'm feeling. How is this me trying not to feel? It did not make sense to me over the past year, as I've been working through all the self doubt and struggle. One of the biggest things I have done is let myself feel and not judge myself on it. And I let myself go through the experience of feeling it. And then later I decide how to move forward. It's been hard, of course, letting yourself feel discomfort or any feelings is really hard instead of before I used to burst, right? I would dissociate and then it would come out in big bursts and I would just kind of shut down. I'd get burnt out. I would just enter depression over and over. I mean, I've been in and out of depression for half my life and probably more than that actually now I think about it. And meds have helped, but then sometimes maybe they've helped it be easier to move into dissociation.
So anyway, feeling your emotions is a hard but vague thing. It's not necessarily easy for me to give clear tips for because it is something I'm still trying to do regularly and allow it. One thing that I've done that has really helped me because I thought about, I was like, you know, I feel like although I've always been really emotional, some things haven't been as hard at other stages of my life. And I looked back and I was like, well, what have I done different? Well, one thing is I used to journal all the time. I used to, like I just said, I used to write poetry. I used to just write about things. And I stopped writing for a long time, especially writing for myself. So on one hand, I write all the time actually. Like I write this podcast, I write my emails and I write emails that I really, I'm starting to finally own how proud I am of them. There's so much voice and there's so much of me in them. So I write and I've written some fiction, but what I wasn't doing was writing for me and I wasn't letting myself explore things that I used to. And so I've often on journaled.
Well, I'm going to be real. I thought about that and I was like, I don't want to journal. Journaling is my hands are tired. I am much older now. I have a kid. When am I going to have the time or energy to sit and journal? That is so much work, I can't do it. And so that was a huge part that I just was like, oh, like I see that this was a huge thing in my life, but how do I do it?
Well, y'all technology is amazing. There are so many things we could be scared about and I'm definitely have concerns about AI. But on the other hand, technology is so freaking awesome. And why ignore what's at our fingertips, literally fingertips, or in my case, what I found has been my voice, my actual voice. So for the past year, I've recognized I started going back. I started to journal in a different way and I didn't intentionally know I was doing this until months later. I'm like, oh my God, I've been, I've been journaling. I've been texting myself. I've emailed myself. I've used several different apps. There's a day one app. It's a journal app. I've used that one. I take photos sometimes just of myself to be like, this was a feeling I had. I use the notes app a lot. And then I started doing voice memoing.
And then my coach told me about the Otter app. And now I had heard about the Otter app, but I just, I guess I just was like, oh, well that's often for people who are hard of seeing or can't see. So I thought for a long time, oh, well that's like, that's expensive technology. That's only for people who can't see, who are blind. And I don't know why I didn't think like, dude, technology is for anyone. We can all use it. So she told me of the app and then I tried it out for a couple of days before I paid for it. And I was like, oh my God, mind blown. Because I can voice record. I'm doing it right now. This is what I'm using right now. I'm voice recording myself. It immediately takes a live transcript. It creates a summary. So then I can look at a snapshot and it's like, this is the main topics that were listed. And it even has this cute little word cloud bubble where I can be like, oh, those are the words I use. That's like the feeling I was experiencing there. And so that's always really cool. And I have the, like, again, like I said, real time transcript.
So now it is not so overwhelming for me to go back and see what I was journaling. This is my form of journaling. My voice notes to myself is my form of journaling. If you listen to a recent podcast episode, I actually basically used a journaling like moment in the podcast. So it's episode 30, 31, 30, 30. I don't remember what episode it is. I think it's 30. And it's sit with me while I work through mental shit. And I was feeling lots of feels that day. And I knew I wanted to use my voice. My journaling was me talking out loud. And I went, I just was like, you know what, I'm going to record this and do it for the podcast in a way. We'll see what I end up doing. And I did end up sharing it because that was part of like my own step of like, this is uncomfortable. So do it, push through it.
But that was an example of I've done that many times where I have sat and recorded myself. I've talked to myself. I've literally have had a session with myself where I cried to myself, where I told him, like I'm literally out loud telling myself, I love you, thank you for all that you've done. And because I've always noticed when you talk through things out loud, it helps your mind kind of sometimes like, oh, that's what I'm rotating on. Or, oh, clearly I have more emotion on this thing. Now I will say journaling, writing by hand, sometimes is really powerful because it does force you to slow down. And it in a way has such amazing benefits at times because in slowing down, you're like, ooh, I'm rotating on this feeling, I'm exploring it, we're getting through it. And it's almost like it gives you more room to like move into the next thing. So I still am journaling at times where by hand, because it's very slow in a way, and that has helped. And then I will write, I'll just text myself. And then like in a case like this, I will record myself.
And what I'm really excited about is that I think in a few months, I will be able to gather everything over the past year and a half, pull these pieces from so many places and be like, wow, so what is the story that I wrote? I think I essentially, I wrote nonfiction, I wrote a memoir of sorts. And what is the story of this time in my life? I get to pull all of it and have it all and I can bring it all together and then I can find the theme, the message, just like I would help a memoir author with. This exploring my own self, exploring my feelings, exploring and talking to myself and writing to myself has been a form of how I have felt feels.
And then another way that I have allowed myself to feel emotion is to literally name it. The first time I had a therapist bring out the feelings wheel, I'm going to be honest, I was like, I probably rolled my eyes. I was like, this is so dumb. This stupid feelings wheel, I know what I'm feeling. Like, why are you making me like find it on the wheel chart? Yeah, I don't agree. I don't believe in that anymore. I know that it's definitely helpful because sometimes we have this big feeling and it's hard to see. Okay, but what is the actual like root of it? What's really happening here? So if you've never worked on the feelings chart, honestly, just Google feelings chart or feelings wheel. You can see the whole wheel and it has these big feelings and then it kind of narrows down and you can really pinpoint. The moment you can pinpoint what you're feeling, you can start to figure out why that's coming up, where it's coming from. Is it something you have to stop feeling? Like that was one thing that I just always felt like I had to stop feeling all the things I'm feeling. That's not true. You don't have to stop feeling anything.
Allow yourself to be like, okay, what is happening here? What is this trying to tell me? What am I trying to push aside? And as one of my therapists used to say, once you can name it, you can tame it. And again, I used to roll my eyes and now I'm like, oh God, she was right. I listened to her at the time, don't worry, but like it also felt a little too easy, right? It sounds too simple. Like once you name it, you can tame it. I'm like, that's not true. I'm still feeling this shit, but it is true. It's too simple of a way, but then you look back and you're like, oh yeah, okay.
So once I understand what this feeling is, I can start to explore why. That's been really powerful. And those things have helped me so much with that self-acceptance that I talked about in the beginning of just accepting myself for who I am.
Another phrase that I have been working on holding onto this year is unconditional love. So it's similar to the radical self-acceptance, just having unconditional love for myself and compassion for myself. We always have heard like, treat yourself like you would a friend. You know, how would your friend come to you? What would you say to them or your kid? But easier said than done, right? It really takes a lot of continuous dedicated work to start to actually treat yourself with compassion first. It really is not a simple thing. And I know maybe that seems overwhelming, but I'm telling you, you'll get there. You just have to keep working at it because once you do start to enter this place where you realize you are treating yourself with compassion first, it gives you so much room for what is possible. And then it allows you to do what I cannot wait to see you do, which is step into owning your unique power.
Now that I have worked through, I'm compassionate towards myself. I love myself unconditionally. I don't give a fuck what anyone else feels about me at this point, right? I love myself so damn much. I have my flaws. It does not matter. They are part of me. And I am a beautiful being. I can't tell you what it feels so different to realize you love yourself. And that has been something I didn't realize for most of my life. I don't know if I've ever truly, truly loved myself. And yes, right now there are times where I'm still like, oh, fuck, Katie, why are you like this? You know, like I'm still, yes, it's a work in progress for sure. But I know the core of it is that I do know how to love myself now. I do know how to accept myself just as I do for my son. I'm going to love that kid no matter what. I just want so much for him to grow up knowing that everything about him is okay. He can work on changing and growing as much as he wants. And yes, there will be things like, you know, that he's going to learn ways to be a more compassionate person and things like that, a good person. But the core is that he will always be loved for showing up exactly as himself. I will always, always love him first.
And so how do I make sure he does that for himself? Well, I got to do it myself, right? And I'm good at loving unconditionally to others. I love my husband unconditionally, my family. Like I will love friends and or exactly who they are, how they are. And it's about time I do it for myself. So that being said, those have been some really big things that have led me to begin to enter this place of owning my own power and owning who I am being, you know, a main character in my life and, and being happy about that. It doesn't mean being selfish. It just means, yeah, I am the main character of my life. How am I being an amazing character and supportive person to myself and others? Like how am I showing up? How am I a character that I would want to follow? So then it begins, once you begin to, to move into this place of believing in yourself again, or at least just having compassion for yourself, you can start to believe in yourself again. And then you can start to see what you bring to the table. What is your unique beauty? What is your power? What is your genius? What is you when you are only you, your voice is only your voice. It's not the voice of anyone else. You might get guidance from others, but the best guidance is the guidance that allows you to be more of you.
So how can you continue to show up as more of you? What is required for you to do that? And that's what I want you to experience and find. I want you to figure out how, what your unique power is, what your voice is and how you want to show up that feels so aligned with that. If you are struggling with this, there, I do have a course that I am putting out there in the world. I'm very excited about it. It is a revamp of a course I taught years back, but it felt weird to teach it at this time because I wasn't owning the same, the feelings that I teach. So the course is now called seven days to love yourself and your writing again. And I'm, I created this course because I mean, if this podcast episode doesn't explain why I created this and why it's so absolutely important, um, then, then just fuck me. Right.
So, uh, I feel like this is very clear why it is absolutely essential, but let's break it down really quick. Being a writer, especially in this world and day and age when AI is really taking off and we're seeing like, there are ways that AI can do amazing stuff and it can be scary, but it can also be pretty exciting in ways. Um, but on the writing side and the creative side, it is scary when you're like, dang, this shit that AI creates can be actually really good. Like what does that say about me? What does it say about my writing? Is there any room for me? What do I bring to the table? What makes me unique?
Um, when the stories that AI creates can be just as good, but what makes it so different and what makes you different is that AI is not a human. It might be able to mimic humanity in ways it might be able to mimic patterns of words and collect data and create things that mimic what we want to feel and experience.
But the only person who can truly tap into that is into that better. And I think there will be a place where people are, yeah, they're going to explore AI and they're going to have fun and that's going to be okay because there's going to be the other side of when people are going to really buck against it or they're going to say, that was fun, but give me something real. Give me something that has depth that nothing could touch that is truly human. It's so fully humanity and emotion and realness that it could never be replaced. Like AI can never try to mimic that.
I want that for you and I know it's possible. I know that you have a unique voice and unique power. And even if you know, you can, you can write fiction and it will be so you, it'll have so much of you in it, your voice, the way that you see the world, the way you create your characters, the types of characters you make and the things that they go through. That is a reflection of what you find worthy of exploring. That is unique to you. You have your own power, your own genius that is going to come out. And I encourage you to lean in hard. When you are fighting against maybe an edit or piece of feedback that you get and you find yourself like, I don't agree with that. I want you to, I've talked about this before because there are ways where I want, you know, it's sometimes it's worth exploring, like why is someone saying that? So I want you to listen and really get clear with yourself. You know, why, why am I fighting this? Is it because what someone is saying they're getting from something or they think I should do is something that I am very much like against and it's like total opposite of what I want to do. Or is there something that I unintentionally put into this story and this writing that is making someone kind of lean in that way? And what is the way I want them to lean in step?
And that's what, as you explore things and if you feel something, you're really feeling like sticky with something that you've written or feedback you've gotten, it's worth exploring. Like what's the core of it? Why is it sticky to you? And what is it that you really want to get out of it? And then if you're having trouble bridging what you want to show up versus what is showing up and you're having trouble doing that on your own, that's a great time to work with a coach or a developmental editor. Someone who's going to say, I see what you want to do.
All right. This is why it's giving this message. Here are some ways to tap into your unique genius and vision. That's when it's amazing to have a coach when someone, like I said earlier, someone who is guiding you to be more of you and not guiding you to just do things that, well, that's what they say needs to happen. You always hear things about breaking rules, like know the rules and then break them. Yes, there are reasons that there are certain writing techniques and tips and or quote unquote rules. And there's a reason I teach character arcs the way I do, but it's not to confine you. It's to give you this ability to say, how am I going to express what I want to express in a way that lands in a way that someone else immediately sees what I'm trying to express and then they feel it too. As you are able to tap into that more and more and lean into that, that is going to be what makes you, that's your genius. That's you coming into yourself and saying, this is just fully me. This is my most aligned way of telling this story, way of showing up as myself. And that is your unique genius.
I will continue to work on ways that we can talk about ways that we can tap into this to express ourselves more, to really truly own ourselves. This episode is kind of a, let's explore it because I want everyone to feel it because as someone who has been starting to feel it finally, God, I just want everyone to experience this. It's so important to me that people just experience themselves. They just own themselves. They have radical self-acceptance. And I do think as writers, it directly leads to how we can be better writers, quote unquote, right? Better writers. And in that way of meaning, like, how can you be the writer that you know in your soul? You're like, that's who I'm meant to be. That's the writer I know I'm going to be. I believe that radical self-acceptance and owning your unique genius and power is part of what gets you to that point. That is what I'm gonna leave you with today.
Of course, I would love to see you in my course. So I mentioned it, it's seven days to love yourself and your writing again. At some point, if you listen to this episode right now, it is March of 2024. So at this time, you can get the course, go to katiemccoach.com slash love yourself to sign up for the course.
Or at the time that I'm recording this, I do have a current promotion that if you sign up for nail your character arcs, my four step character arc system, which is like I said, it's a system to follow, but it gives so much exploration for you to use this tool to create your own power, your own genius of creating characters. It is not telling you this is how to create a character and this is the only way. And as long as you do X, Y, Z, you're good. It's tapping into these four very clear cut, simple elements that once you understand them, the way that you'll tap into them is going to be all of you. It's going to be all of you owning your unique power of, oh my God, I got this. I am writing this character who is just so exactly what I need to write it, who is just so developed, who I feel so aligned with, or just the way I'm writing it as line and I'm so charged to be writing it. That is what this course does.
Four Now Your Character Arcs allows you to use these ways of thinking about characters so that you create your own unique genius. And so if you sign up for Now Your Character Arcs by March 15th of 24, you will get my seven days to love yourself and your writing again course for absolutely free. So that is going to be a very special promo that is obviously only for a very short time. So go to katiemccoach.com slash nailyourarcs, N-A-I-L-Y-O-U-R-A-R-C-S. And you will sign up for the Now Your Character Arcs course and get Love Yourself, the seven days to love yourself and your writing again course for free. Otherwise, if it's past that time, you can always sign up for Now Your Character Arcs and you can always sign up for the Love Yourself course. And I want both things for you.
I would love to see you in these courses and I cannot wait to see how you begin to own your own unique genius and power. I am so excited for you to tap into that because I'm telling you, I didn't know I could feel this great. And although it's not necessarily, I'm not fully landed in it all the way, the times that I'm feeling it have completely changed everything. The way I look at myself, the way I move forward, the choices that I make, it's been amazing. So I want this for you. I want you to own your unique genius and power. I want you to experience radical self-acceptance and have compassion for yourself. And then I want to see all the amazing shit you create when you own your genius.
Report back. I really like tag me on Instagram and let me know like what is the unique genius you have? What is it that you are able to write and do? Of course, at any time, if you need extra support, just go to katimccoach.com and you can just book a free call with me. Let's talk. Maybe there are ways that we can work together to help you reach your goals.
So until next time writer, keep growing.